An excellent snack for taking out on the trails, or for when you feel hungry but don't have the time to prepare a proper meal.

This recipe makes 12 servings and keeps fresh in the fridge for a few days.

Calories 145 per serving. Again, fairly balance macros, but will help to keep you going when you are out on the trails.

Carbs 11.5g 33% Fat 5.1g 32% protein 13g 36%


Herbs and spices of your choice. 1tsp

Cooked chicken breast fillet. No skin. 350g

Basmati brown rice. Cooked. 400g

Olive oil. 3 TSP

Green beans. About a handful.

Asparagus. About a handful.

One red bell pepper.

Mushrooms. About a handful

7 eggs

How to make.

Cut all the vegetable into small pieces about the size of your thumbnail.

Fry off all of the vegetables in the olive oil until they are cooked.

preheat the oven to 180 degrees centigrade.

Cut the chicken into similar sized pieces as the vegetables, then add the chicken, vegetables and the rest of the ingredients into the bowl. Mix all the ingredients together until you have an even consistency. Pour the mixture into a large rectangular baking dish about 22cm X 33cm and 6cm deep, and place in the preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes of until the cake is cooked all the way through.

Allowed to cool and cut into 12 pieces.
